My name is Flavia Imperatore but everyone on the web knows me as Misya, the name of the cooking blog I created and write. I started Misya.info in 2007 and to me, it’s not just a recipe book but a diary about cooking and life. I write the recipes and talk about what goes on in my life: the dish I tasted during my last trip, or my daughter’s first day of school, the arrival of our kitten, or the bout of flu that knocked out the entire family. I like linking the description of the dishes I share on my blog with slices of my life; cooking and love fuse to become the centre of everything.

Pizza and meatball skewers



Prepare the meatball mixture by putting the ground meat into a bowl with an egg, breadcrumbs, chopped parsley and onion, salt and pepper.

Once it has been mixed thoroughly, wet your hands slightly and make meatballs of the same size.


Roll out the pizza dough, drizzle with oil and chives, and cut strips that are two fingers wide.

Now get bamboo skewers and thread a strip of dough onto them, weaving it around the meatballs to create a spiral.


Put the skewers on a tin lined with parchment paper, drizzle with oil, and cook in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.



Perfect for:

Spicing up a casual dinner with friends

Elegant Skewers

made of bamboo - square section

Made of bamboo, with square section to give food greater stability.

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