Bloody Mary

tomato juice, salt, pepper, lemon, angostura, Worcester sauce, Tabasco, a celery stalk with the leaves, a carrot, a few basil leaves.
Pour the tomato juice into a glass and season with a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper, and the juice of half a lemon (or more, if you like). Mix well and add a few drops of angostura and Worcester sauce. If you love heat, you can go to town with the Tabasco. SAMURAI TRICK: instead of the usual glass, you can use a simple glass jar with a wide diameter and smooth lip. For the NATURE effect, before serving, garnish the drink with celery, carrot, basil and a Samurai Food Two-Toned Trendy Drinking Straw. The straw has a wide diameter and is made of paper to give your Virgin Bloody Mary a splash of colour.
Perfect for:
- enhancing Sunday brunch with a new idea
- transforming it into a slightly alcoholic cocktail by simply adding vodka